Organ Pipes
This is Organ Pipes.
No it isn’t, it’s ROCKS. Rocks that look like Organ Pipes. So they’re called Organ Pipes. This is what the organ pipes that actually make sounds look like.
Organ Pipes formed like this because thousands and thousands of years ago, there were volcanoes, and volcano eruptions occur with the volcanoes, right? The lava flowed into a stream and the dirt on the side of it hardened and cracked. Into pipe shapes, pipes that aren’t hollow. There!
Rosette Rock
Can you see why? It’s formed like Organ Pipes, but in a different pattern. Gus, my brother, insisted on staying out of the photo this time.
Around Keilor North, there are a lot of planes coming and going. Look!
There was about about 10 minutes inbetween every time a plane came past us.