We’re fish – They’re fish

At Exmouth, the Whitings and the Simmonds went on a Whale Shark tour called Three Islands.

It was amazing.


Whale shark.

Whale shark.




Wow. A school of fish.

Wow. A school of fish.

Whale sharks are sharks, making them fish (like the Whitings!), but they don’t eat us. They consume little plankton and crill.

We also went to a aquarium. It was very interesting.

Toadfish. Poisonous.

Toadfish. Poisonous.

Clarks Clownfish. Dad mistook it for a Red Sea Clownfish!

Clarks Clownfish. Dad mistook it for a Red Sea Clownfish!



It's a turtle!

It’s a turtle!

There were a lot of sharks, but you couldn’t have really got a photo because they lived in a man made lagoon and any photo of them would only show its fin.

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